Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blogging in the Library

I don't feel that I am familiar enough yet with blogging to understand how to answer this question.
My instinctual guess would be that it is another forum for the sharing of information among staff members within a library, committees, focus groups, answering questions, problem solving, solution searching, research, etc.
There seems to be a way to communicate with others without having a huge e-mail base and it is accessable by invitation.....? Think I'm right.


I feel that the 7.5 habits of lifelong learning is a common sense approach to all of our everyday dealings. I feel that successful people know, apply and inegrate these steps and experiences consistently as a second nature. The people that we all know are struggling with issues of life, actually aren't aware that this "learning process" applies to almost all situations as a solution.

The hardest part for me will the the "play" habit. I feel so because I am task oriented and have been programmed to "work" not play without feeling guilty or unproductive.